Ruby without Rails

Ruby without Rails

這是在WebDev Party #3上分享的內容,主題是雖然 Rails 很威很好用,但如果沒有 Rails 的話,還可以拿 Ruby 做些什麼其它的事。


Vim 與我的工作環境


為什麼要連講的人一起錄進來? 因為這次並不是純操作的內容,我覺得有個人在旁邊動呀動的比較不會無聊。


  • Vim
  • Ruby
  • Rails
  • CoffeeScript
  • Git
  • Flash/ActionScript
  • and others..

每集長度約從 10 分鐘到 30 分鐘不等,希望可以每個月至少做個兩集(剛好可以順便幫 blog 灌一下水)


Vim and Plugins


錄 Screencast 很有趣,會發現自己講話不只卡卡的,還有很多無意義的贅字或發語詞,也很容易 NG 罵髒話,所以得小段小段的分開錄,錄完再合併。看別人錄都很簡單,自己來才發現要錄製流暢的 Screencast 難度真的相當高。


新手上路,還請多多指教 :)

Some Vim Tips and Learning Resources

I'm still pretty new to Vim and keep practicing Vim everyday, and also started to learn some VimScript by myself, I found some nice learning resources and some easy but AWESOME key combinations.

Switch to Presentation Mode

I think I'm a show-off person, and usually do presentations to my friends. In this post I mentioned it's cool to make slide with dark theme or something, but sometimes it won't be clear enough while putting on projector, and I have to change various settings everytime, that looks not cool and not professional at all.

Thanks for Mike Skalnik, I stole this idea from his Vim config :)

I recorded this video to demonstrate how it looks like. (You might need to change the video to higher resolution if you wanna know what I typed.)

Just press <leader>z, I can toggle between working mode and presentation mode in a second.

It's actually not a very big deal, you can check the source code to see how to do it. Althought it only works on GUI version Vim (cause I don't know how to modify font size in terminal version Vim programmatically), but still quite convenient for myself.

I'm really SHOW-OFF, huh? :)

My Vimrc

About 3 months ago, I've mentioned I started to use Vim as my primary editor, and now I can only open Vim and Xcode in my daily job(my primary job is coding with Ruby and Rails, and Objective-C is just for fun).

Here is my current vim configuration, feel free to use it, and welcome to give me your suggestion(or criticism). I took some screenshots of my computer and laptop:

MacVim, on iMac with Mac OS X Lion:

Non-GUI Vim, on iMac with Mac OS X Lion:

Ubuntu 11.10:

the icons and fonts of the bottom are pretty nice, right? you can check on this, or download from here, and unzip them to ~/.font.

Windows XP, Vim on Windows? I know.. but it's still working, right?

Keep polishing

Vim is a pretty awesome and interesting editor, hope can keep polishing it in my daily jobs :)

Heroku ─ Ruby 程式語言的最佳雲端環境

你曾經用 Ruby on Rails 開發網站,但在國內找不到可以用的主機空間嗎?或者你是新創公司,但初期還沒足夠資金投資在伺服器的硬體設備上嗎?又或是沒有專職的 MIS 幫你管理伺服器嗎? 讓我們來看看 Heroku 吧!


先說明一下,我目前主要的作業系統是 Mac OS,工作主要是網站程式開發,前端是 Flash、ActionScript 以及 JavaScript,後端則是 Ruby 以及 Ruby on Rails,應該再過半年左右就會加入 Mac app/iOS app 的專案。以下來獻曝一下我目前比較常用的工具箱,供大家參考。